Everyone knows that you can buy various smoking pipes that look like different things. Many of them are unique designs that you would probably never consider smoking something out of or even put your mouth on in the first place. Then again maybe you might though. Here are some prime examples of pipes that will make lots of red blooded, straight males would smoke out of, even if they are not a smokers.
These “Pussy Pipes” are conceptual erotic pipes that are created out of wood but based of the shapes of real women’s vagina’s. These are awesome and make a great ornament in any smokers home. I was going to cop one myself but then I saw the price and changed my mind but hey, today is my birthday so if anyone wants to be totally awesome and purchase these for me you will be honored on HMJ. Either way, enjoy these ladies pipes.
Where do you buy this at?
Would love to own one where and how do i get one