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This week we’re going to discuss how to cure weed and our favorite way to cure fresh buds in only 7 days using water. And you are probably wondering: is curing weed easy, how long to cure weed,does dry weed lose potency, how to tell if weed is cured, how to cure buds fast.. We’ll try to answer all your questions the best we can.

I’ve tried water curing cannabis a few times and I think it’s awesome for certain applications. Water curing removes all the taste and smell from the buds. This is useful if you’ll be cooking with buds or if you’re looking for “stealth smoke”. I’ve smoked water cured buds literally 20 feet away from the police (mixed with a tad bit of tobacco) and they had no idea. I found this thread on water curing over on GrassCity.com, a message board. It’s got some great info, check it out.

What Is The Water Cure? Why Would I Want To Do It?

First things first, what is curing weed and which are the benefits or water cured cannabis?
The water cure has only recently come to light as a widely accepted form of curing (mostly because of this thread).

Water curing uses osmosis to flush out the chemicals, chlorophyl, pesticides, pests, and anything else you would rather not be smoking. The water cure is also very fast (about 7 days) with optimal quality (as compared to 30 days air curing), and as well does not stink like an air cure does. Water-cured buds are also more potent than air-cured (however there is proportional weight loss to potency increase).

THC is not water soluble, and the bud is protected from air/light, enabling potency to be maintained at it’s highest levels, while the nasty chemicals are flushed out. Some growers report being able to add notes all the way up to their harvest date because the water cure takes care of the built up chemicals.

Because of its speed, stealth and clean taste, water cure is very inviting to most non-commercial growers. The commercial grower might not be attracted to the water cure, as the weight of the bud is diminished.

Water cure can also be attractive to those smoking/cooking with suspect cannabis (schwag), pest infested bud, unflushed bud, etc. But, bud water your weed is not a solution for everything, if you are one of those who have bought harsh weed or have aged weed at their homes and want to smoke it, curing won’t solve your problems. 

How Will My Bud Taste/Smoke/Smell/Look?

Properly water-cured buds (submerged for 7 days and properly dried) will have a clean, thick taste when smoked, as well as being more potent than air-cured buds. This is one of the major advantages to the water cure; a quick drying process that retains potency and has a clean taste a flavor.

Smoking reports vary (depending, for example, on the ways to smoke weed), however most people agree that water curing provides a very clean, smooth taste. Those with hashier, sandlewood/piney and harsher strains will find this method enjoyable for the clean, thick flavor without the edge (like a fine whisky).

water curing bud look
water curing bud taste

However, those with frutier tasting strains have mixed results. They report the smoke is almost too smooth – much of the fruity/citrussy flavor removed.

The smell of the bud is greatly diminished, which many believe is one of the positive side-effects of water curing. Some also report a diminished smell in the smoke itself.

Water-cured buds tend to look more earthy and dark in tone. Some say the bag appeal is decreased, however proper care while water-curing can improve bag appeal.

How To Water Cure Weed Step By Step

This is our favorite water curing method because we think it’s the best way to cure marijuana due to it’s effectiveness and easiness. Here are the steps and materials you need:

You need at least 7 days to do this, any less than seven can result in undesireable quality. Even 5 days in water is not enough – you need seven!!!

Plop in your freshy cut buds (or schwag, whatever, but fresh buds work best) into enough water to completely submerge the buds. The buds will float to the top for the first few days of this, so you need something to hold them down (a block of wood, a plate, etc). Change the water every day for 7 days, any less than seven could result in undesirable results (trust me). Try not to disturb the buds when changing the water as plant material can break off more easily (read: trichomes). Always keep the lid of the cooler open, do not seal off the container.

The water may take on a yellowish/greenish (even brownish) tint each day, more so as the bud becomes completely saturated with the water. It will probably also stink. This is good, as it is the nasty chlorophyl and salts exiting your plant.

After 7 days remove the buds from the water. They will be sopping wet, and can be dried relatively quickly. MPD (and many more of us) purchased a food dehydrator from wal-mart for about $40 and consensus tells us this may be the best method for drying. Put the dehydrator on the lowest setting and dry for about 5 hours or so.

Radiators and other low-impact heating devices can also be used. Users have reported hair dryers working with some success, as well as hanging the wet buds on a clothes line with a fan circulating air. The important thing to do is to ensure the buds dry quickly enough to not become moldy, but with as low-impact of a drying environment as possible.

7 DO'S and DON'TS Of Water Curing Weed

What is the dry-weight ratio comparison with air curing?

Dry weight using air cure usually returns about 25% of the freshly cut bud weight. That means if you had 10 grams of freshly cut plant, you would get about 2.5 grams dry.

Water cure, on the other hand, returns about 15% from wet to dry. In our 10 gram example, that would be about 1.5 grams.

So why is there less weight using water, but more potency?

THC is not water soluable. When the buds are underwater, they are protected from environmental conditions such as humidity, over exposure to air, temperature, and light. This consistent state is something not easily achieved through the traditional air cure, which can be prone to a harsher smoke with decreased potency if everything isn’t just so.

Water cure enables the removal of undesireable elements from your bud while retaining potency.

How Potency Is Increased Through The Water Cure?

I should explain this so that the conspiracy theory kooks don’t land on me like a ton of bricks.

Here’s the “magic” behind the increased potency you get by water curing.


The mass didn’t change, just some of the things that were there – aren’t there anymore, so what is left becomes a bigger proportion of the entirety.

You go assay your water cured bud and find out it has 21.42% THC content – a 50% increase in potency.

Not bad, eh?

How Osmosis Leaches Nasties, Saves Trichs?

How Osmosis Leaches Nasties, Saves Trichs?

In air, chlorophyll breaks down at a rate that is only slightly faster than the breakdown rate of the resin - hence the reason the pot is dried for a short time then placed in jars and burped - but always out of direct sunlight because sunlight plus air equals an ideal situation for the THC is to break down and thus a loss of potency may ensue.

In water, the chlorophyll breaks down (out of the plant) while the THC remains suspended in the resin and is relatively unaffected by the surrounding water medium.

More On Chlorophyll Removal

Water curing weed and air curing are doing exactly the same thing except you retain flavour and smell with air drying and with water curing you lose that flavour and smell but you have a smoothe smoke….

The Chloryphyll in the plant leaves through either the water evaporating (air cure) or through osmosis into the water around it…Water curing is obvously more effective at removing chloryphyll because you are adding more water, and the smoke is smoother (chloryphyll is a big factor in bad tasting and bad burning weed)… However, smell and taste come from terpenes in the plant that are also water soluble so they are lost in the water curing process….

In air curing the chloryphyll has to leave by the evaporating water in the bud….this is less affective but you keep those smell and taste terpenes…..so why after going through the trouble to preserve and develop them through air curing would you dunk them in water and lose them?

Its either one or the other.

What about already dried buds/shwag/oldy Buds?

And what if you get wet buds, unflushed weed or moldy weed? There is a moldy weed fix that you can make, smoking unflushed weed (actually) won’t cause you any trouble and there are some other possibilities to solve these problems.

dried buds for water curing

For example, many have reported success in re-curing nasty buds of one kind or another. Dry schwag that is still in a nugg-ish form can be water-cured. DO NOT USE MOLDY BUDS! Make bubble hash with moldy buds. Keep it green and O.V.E.R.G.R.O.W.!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. smokey

    you can add some flavor back by putting the water cured weed(5 grams) in a jar with a couple drops of terpene extract on a paper towel.and let sit in the jar with the paper towel for 24 hours. Neat thing is you can get whatever flavor terpene you want off the internet. I just ordered Sour Tangie today

  2. smokey

    you can add some flavor back by putting the water cured weed(5 grams) in a jar with a couple drops of terpene extract on a paper towel.and let sit in the jar with the paper towel for 24 hours. Neat thing is you can get whatever flavor terpene you want off the internet. I just ordered Sour Tangie today

  3. Justin Avila

    What smokey said. That’s how they make bulk honey oil cartridges taste good

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