Medical Rolling Paper Or THC Paper?
I have to admit, I laughed when I saw them. Medicated rolling papers?
But, these papers are actually pretty cool! They’re great for people who want to kick up their joint without having a huge mess on their hands, since that can typically happen when you try to add extracts to joints yourself.
Lift Ticket Medicated Rolling Papers
Us here at HMJ were give three different types of Lift Ticket papers to review, which come in a variety of flavors. They’re made with extracts from different local companies. These papers come premedicated with a nice little cardboard filter piece to roll. They are king sized papers, so keep that in mind, as these aren’t for rolling pinners!
So I rolled a nice sized joint and I found these papers smoke really well. The extract-covered side burns extremely evenly, and slowly. No runs, no mess — this paper is a great invention!
The Bottom Line
I really enjoyed smoking with these papers, as they make your joint and weed last much longer. No runs. No drips. No mess! These are great to pre-roll and burn on-the-go.
The only downside is that most of the flavors aren’t very strong, though the Tangie papers we got were more flavorful than the others.
You can find Lift Ticket at your local collective. It seems that Instagram deleted the company’s account, which is what’s happening with many legitimate cannabis companies, so be sure to visit a local spot near you to check them out!