Storz And Bickel is a well known vaporizer producer based in Germany. They’re the makers of the Crafty Vaporizer and the Giant Mighty Vaporizer both amazing vaporizers, but lets go to the important part here. We want to save some money when buying the vaporizers, right?
With Hail Mary Jane you will get a 20% off Storz and Bickel coupon code with which you can get the best vaporizers of the german brand that leads the vaporizers market. The only thing you have to do is press the button below, copy the code and enjoy the discount.
If you want to know more, we are going to talk a little about the products you can buy with this discount. They’are the Mighty and the Crafty vaporizers considered as top-tier devices made of the best quality materials and great providers of excellent vape.
Mighty Deals Coupon
The Mighty Vaporizer is one of the best vaporizers due to its life battery and vape quality.
All the reviews highlight that it works very well and it’s very easy to use as well. Besides, it has a temperature control system that let you switch the temperature degree by degree, making it very comfortable for those who like to adjust the heat.
It’s pretty simple to clean and its battery life is amazing: you can vape non-stop during 1.5 hours. It should also be noted that all the gadgets that come in the box make it worth it: an herb grinder, a cleaning brush, a filling aid, etcetera.
With our discount you will get a cheap Mighty Vaporizer, because this product normally retails $349. So if you want to buy Mighty, this is your best chance.
Crafty Vaporizer Coupon Code
With this Crafty vaporizer sale you will buy a handheld vaporizer with all the advantages of a desktop vaporizer.
This device is designed to help your hands not to get hot while you’re vaping and more portable than the Mighty (because it’s smaller). It’s made with plastic but its design is ergonomic, it’s not heavy and easily cleanable.
On the other hand, you can download its smartphone application which allows you to change some of the settings of the Crafty Vaporizer with your phone: temperature, brightness of the LED or switch on and off the vibration.
If you want to buy Crafty Vaporizer you would like to know that the battery is charge via USB, this is remarkable because it allows you to charge it easier and anywhere with an external battery and also use it while charging if has over 20% charge on it.
It used to cost around $279, so if you want to save some money, with our coupon code you will get a cheap Crafty vaporizer.